33 Days to Morning Glory

I just opened up our diocese’s paper the other day and found this article.


This article is on our old parish’s consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary through the book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Almost the entire parish, as you can see in the picture, all used this booklet to dedicate ourselves to Mary with encouragement along the road of those 33 days. At the end of our dedication, the parish held a big pot-luck to celebrate that our lives our now in Mary’s care. It was a great way to re-unite the parish and strengthen everyone’s spiritual lives.


The author of 33 Days to Morning Glory, Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, gives a short, one page meditation for each day. These little meditations are easy to read and follow, full of helpful spiritual advice, and enough information that it keeps your attention. At the end of each of these meditations, there is a one sentence prayer asking to help you with whatever virtue that is supposed to be attained in the day.

Check out this book at on Amazon, or your local religious store, to help your spiritual life grow while you’re in the arms of Mary. It’s highly recommended!

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